School Council meeeting 28/06/12

Noted by: Aaliya

meeting opened at 25 past 12

Y2 no class meeting

3s  All would like smoothie most strawberries

They would like a talent show

3k no meeting

y4 at safari park

5m 10 children want a talent show

Any chance of a disco?

y6 are planning a fun day Friday soon

5d more trips  only had one this year (Up to class teacher)

Smoothies: Strawberry,banana,orange, pineapple

Would like a trip abroad

Would like more board games for golden time and wet play

Mrs Hadley asked about the children’s choice

Vegetarian: Vegetarian  burger and bun

Fish option: Lemon sole

Meat option: Roast dinner

Pudding option:Hot fudge cake

Suggestions:  5 mini doughnuts with chocolate sauce

Oceane volunteered to join talent show team.

Meeting closed 12:40








21st June 2012

Welcome to School Council, it’s good to be back.

Jai chaired the meeting which opened at 12:15

Apologies: 2S, 6H and 6M

Feed back from class council meeting:

4P – wanted a termly trip, council explained that trips were termly and that it depended on the topic.

Would like more interesting books in the classroom.

They think that the Huff and Puff equipment needs updating.

Only 1 class had had a class council meeting. Councillors must try to have weekly ones.

The Smoothie team: Aaliya, Jai, Bismah and Yousuf will meet Tuesday lunchtime in 6H.

The Talent Show Team (Emmanuel, Shannon, Eloise and Aryan) will meet same time and place.

Councillors went over the notes from the meeting and were told where to find them.

Meeting closed at 12:30

Notes from 21/02/12 by: Aaliya and Jai

  1. 4P said 17 children of  there class said they want a swimming gala. 14 children wanted a disco and 12 people want  anti-bullying posters
  2. Ariana is going to find recipes for smoothies.
  3. 5d’S class mostly wanted a swimming gala,they want to change the school football team, the whole class wanted a disco and the whole class wanted sports day. They need to ask Mr Neill if he’s going to change the football team.
  4. Football hasn’t been banned, every half-term the sports are going to change.
  5. 3S’s class all wanted a swimming gala, all the class wanted sports day compotition. Lastly, everyone wanted a anti-bullying poster compotiton.
  6. Next week plan class council assembly.
  7. Ask classes for a talent show.
  8. The talent show commity is Emmanuel, Yusuf, Aaliya and Eloise.
  9. Water Posters can go anywhere near sinks.


Notes from meeting 7.2.12. Typed by Jai and Aaliya.

We were very disappointed to find that only 2 out of the 8 classes represented at school council had had a class meeting.

Well done to those that had.

Please look at the week befores meeting notes to see what we decided we would do about some children thinking that they were not heard.

  1. All classes to have a suggestion box in their class.
  2. Every class needs to have a class council.
  3. 5d thought that a swimming gala was a brilliant idea.
  4. 4P and 5d said that their class wanted a school disco.
  5. The smoothie team need to meet in 6H to discuss the smoothie prices.
  6. The girls said that they want a coat peg in the girls toilets.  Aryana will speak to Mr Jones about that situation.

Notes from meeting 31.1.12

  1. We are concerned that the pupil surveys show that some of you do not think that your suggestions and concerns are listened to, so:
  • every class will have a suggestions that the Class councillors will check weekly.
  • every class will have a weekly meeting
  • school council will do an assembly for Y1,2 and 3 and Y4,5 and 6.

      2.    What do you think about a sports day or swimming gala in the Summer?

      3.   Would your class like to take part in an anti-bullying poster competition?

       4.  Would Y4,5 and 6 like a disco?

We also discussed the cost of smoothie making and have set up a team to investigate the costs.

Meeting closed at 12:40