School council meeting 27/2/14

Meeting started at 2:33pm Chaired by Aniq Hussain

All present except for 4P
More prizes to be considered for merit prizes:
. Calender
. Badges
. Pens
. Cards
. Stationary
. Bouncy balls

Sports Relief  suggestions:
. Carry water
. Obstacle challenge
. Egg and spoon race
. Hopping
. Guided blind fold
Martell asked Mr. Spicer if we could have automatic air fresheners for the boy’s toilets.He said he would look into it.

Could you all have a class council and ask about activities we could do for sports relief day.

Meeting ended at 2:45pm


School Council Meeting 07/02/14

Meeting started at 2:40 pm

All was present. 6c were late.

3M  & 5M had a class council.

Prizes for bronze star discussed:
Special Pen Diary

  • Bookmark
  • Feltips
    Prizes for silver star discussed:
     Books >Colouring Books >Playing Cards

    Prizes for gold star discussed:
    Cinema Trip Bowling Trip McDonalds Trip Vouchers

    Themes for Bookweek discussed:












    Year 6 classes need to ask for voulenteers to help out at the book store.

    Monday 3rd March –  Thursday 6th March

    3:10-3:45                           4 nights

    Need to be reliable, trustworhty, friendly and able to help organise the books and the store. Children will be chosen by Mrs Hadley & Mrs Homer.



    Student council meeting 31/1/14

    Meeting opened at 2:30

    Neither Y2 had class council.

    Neither Y3 had class council.

    Neither Y4 had a class council.

    4P absent.

    Year 5 thought of some fruit we think we could sell at breaktimes:

    . bananas


    . mango






    Year 5 also thought that we should have more lunchtime activities.

    Educational apps:

    . Quick math

    . spanish for dummies
    These are some of the afterschool clubs we would like to see
    . boxercise




    . martial arts

    . art

    School improvement:

    .toilet passes

    .finger scanners (dna finger samples of everyone to scan on a finger scanner to record who goes to the toilet.)

    We also thought of new Accelerated Reading prizes:

    . hot wheels cars

    . pokemon cards

    . electric rubbers

    Book club themes for every week:

    . mystery

    . space

    . comic

    . fairytale

    . spooky
    Meeting closed at 2:50pm