
After the holidays we shall be starting our “Journeys” topic. Pirates love sailing the seven seas and travelling to different countries. Watch this video with your child and discuss how we could describe a pirate e.g. long beard, parrot on his shoulder, peg leg etc.

Eco Bus!

This morning Reception have been very lucky to have a visit from the Eco Bus! In family groups we went over to Calthorpe Haven and collected natural materials to make our own nature windows to take home. It was lots of fun!

Billy Goats Work

The children have been really enjoying learning about the Three Billy Goat’s Gruff.  During Plan, Do, Review they have been choosing to re-enact the story in a range of ways; masks from the role play area, construstion, figurines, play dough etc.  Children have been using the language of the text to retell the story.

How creative we are…

In the summer, Miss Seery is getting married.  During child initiated play this morning, some children chose to make her a wedding dress out of paper.  They used problem solving skills and language of size to ensure the dress fits.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Next week we shall be looking at the story ” The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Watch this video with your child and act it out together using language from the story e.g. “Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?”

Little Red Hen

At Ash End House Farm today, the children were given the opportunity to act out the story of Little Red Hen.  The children were confident to stand up on stage and retell the story.



Ash End House Farm

We had a wonderful trip to Ash End House Farm today.  Children had the opportunity to look at and feed a variety of animals.  We discussed what we call an adult/baby animal.  Example:  Horse and Foal.  We also sang a range of nursery rhymes to the animals (Old McDonald, Dingle Dangle Scarecrow, Chick Chick Chick Chick Chicken etc).  We had a great time and the children were fantastic!