Great website for parents!

This is a fantastic website specifically created for parents.  It offers you loads of tips on how best to support your child at home (in both reading and numeracy.)  Oxford Owl offers loads of free resources for you to use, as well as ebooks for you to share with your child.  The website also offers you help with letter sounds etc for if you are unsure of them.   This is a great resource, so be sure to have a look and see what they can offer you and your child!!!

This website can be found at    

Support your child, whilst having fun too!!! 

Pirate Week, ahoy!

This week we have been having lots of fun being pirates! The week began with all the teachers dressing up as pirates, discovering a treasure chest and an old treasure map. We went on an adventure to find more treasure, digging in the outdoor area, walking the plank (being careful of the crocodiles!!) making our own treasure maps with x marking the spot! We then made treasure chests to carry our treasure in! In numeracy, the pirate ships got muddled up in a big storm and we had to order the numbers correctly!
What fun, land ahoy!