We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

This week in English we are focussing on stories with patterned language and are having lots of fun looking at We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Today we acted out the story joining in with the patterned language. Here are a few pictures of our bear hunt.



Jungle exhibition

A huge thank you to all of the parents and relatives who came to our exhibition this morning. The children loved having the opportunity to share their work with you. We hope you enjoyed sharing some of our Art activities with your child today. Here are some pictures from our jungle exhibition.









Moving pictures

Today the children have used their Creative power and DT skills to make animal pictures with moving body parts. Children were taught how to use split pins to join paper together and then tried to use them independently to make an animal picture with a moving head, arms, legs and tail. We look forward to sharing these with you at our jungle exhibition next Thursday.



Using clay

Today we have used our Art skills and our Creative power to help us to make model clay animals. The children have used tools and their hands to shape and join pieces of clay to make a model of their favourite animal. We are looking forward to sharing these with you at our jungle exhibition next week.



Zoo artwork

Following our day at Twycross Zoo the children used their Art skills and their Creative power to paint pictures of the animals that we saw. You will be able to see these at our jungle exhibition on Thursday 23rd October.


Henri Rousseau

As part of our ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ topic we have looked at the work of the artist Henri Rousseau. We used some of his ideas to create our own jungle collage pictures. We are looking forward to sharing them with you at our jungle exhibition on Thursday 23rd October.


Number bonds

In Maths we have been learning our number bonds for 5. Our number bonds are two numbers that add together to make a total. Use this rhyme to help your child to know their number bonds for the total of 5.

0 + 5 do a hand jive.
1 + 4 open the door.
2 + 3 drink some tea.
3 + 2 tie your shoe.
4 + 1 high five someone.
5 + 0 superhero!

Children need to know all of their number bonds for 5 confidently to help them with their addition and problem solving.

Year 1 sports day

On Monday the children, staff and parents enjoyed the Year 1sports day at Calthorpe Haven. All children worked well in their teams to score points to become the winning team. A big congratulations to Red group for coming first with 499 points. Thank you to all of the parents that came along to support the children. Here are a few photographs of the children in action.




Year 1Fudge day

After reading the story ‘Pirates Love Underpants’ by Claire Freeman and Ben Cort we set the children and parents the challenge of making a plasticine boat with a competition to see which boat could hold the most bears without sinking. A big congratulations to Corde who made a boat that floated holding 18 bears!





This week as part of our ‘What an Adventure’ topic we have been using our Connections power. We have used our Literacy skills to follow instructions for making a pirate hat and used our Science and D.T. skills with our Creative power to design and make model pirate ships. We have had lots of fun and been very busy. Here are a few photographs of what he have been doing.

