Half term holiday challenges from Miss Haywood

In assembly on Monday Miss Haywood set the children the following three challenges to complete during next weeks half term holiday. How many of these will you be able to complete?
1. Visit the library.
2. Visit the swimming baths and take advantage of a free swim- check with Thimblemill Baths for more details.
3. Your choice- choose something to do that will challenge you during the holiday.

We look forward to hearing all about your challenges after the holiday.

Year 1 Spanish

We have started learning Spanish with help from Catalina. Take a look at these photographs to see the phrases we have learnt so far. You can help your child by using some of these phrases at home. The children are really enjoying our Spanish lessons are we already have a few experts in 1N who are picking the language up really quickly.







Thimblemill Library

1N enjoyed their visit to Thimblemill Library today. Please enjoy sharing the library book with your child, we look forward to hearing all about the exciting books they have read. Children will be bringing home a timetable of the exciting activities the library are offering during half term so please take advantage as they sound like lots of fun.

1N using clay

We have been learning to model using clay, cutters and rolling pins. We have worked hard to change the shape of our clay balls to make our favourite jungle animals. Here are some pictures so far. We are looking forward to painting our animals next week, look back for another update soon.






Year 1 – Topic – 02.10.13

Today in year 1 we have been learning about where jungles are around the world and what sort of fruits grow there. Children had to use their curiosity powers to taste different fruits and predict what they think the fruit would taste like. Then children described what the fruits looked, tasted and smelt like. Children then discussed whether they liked the fruits or not. They tasted mango’s, figs and passion fruit. Please take a look at our pictures.