Wallace and Gromits Day on the moon

[slideshow]1S have been hard at work during our ‘Out of this world’ topic! After watching the first half of Wallace and Gromits ‘Grand day out’ we decided to re-create our own version of the story and take our own photographs to tell the story. We had great fun using our imagination.

Please let us know if you like our story.
Thank you from 1S

1s Plan, Do, Review 25-1-2011

Today in Plan, do, review the children chose a range of activities. Some of the children got busy in the creative area, mixing paints to make different colours.
Some made up a dance routine using streamers and pompoms and even Miss Haywood joined in showing some of her dance moves.

Other children were busy in the construction area creating their own models with lego and k’nex. Also children dressed up in the role play area as different characters while others were using their own imaginations to create stories to which they acted out with the dolls. [slideshow]

1L Wallace and Gromit’s adventure

As part of our topic ‘Out of this world’ The children in 1L re-told the story of Wallace and Gromits ‘Grand day out’ using props they made and found in the classroom. Hope you enjoy their story!

Once upon a time Wallace and Gromit were bored so they decided to make a rocket and go on an adventure to the moon.
When they arrived they were really hungry so they had a picnic on the moon.
After, they bumped into some friendly aliens called Zig, Zoo and Zeny who showed them around. It was getting late so they said goodbye to the aliens and they set off through space and landed back on Earth.
Both Wallace and Gromit were really tired after their Grand day out so they went to bed and hiding under the covers was an alien. What do you think might happen next?[slideshow]

1S Plan, Do and Review 18-01-2011

[slideshow]Today in plan, do and review some children have been making rice crispy cakes. We talked about our ingredients and how chocolate changes from a solid to a liquid when heated. We also tried to guess how many little rice crispies were in each cake! Other children danced with pompoms to their favourite music. While others had a picnic in the classroom.


1S dressed up as book characters for book week.

The children dressed up as spiderman, Princesses, Sleeping beauty, Ben 10 and many more.

The staff dressed up too!
Miss Steventon came to school as Noddy and Miss Meally came as Jesse from Toy story 3.[slideshow]