Keeping busy over the holiday 

Well done to all the children who have settled into Year 1 this half term, you have all worked really hard.

To keep you busy over the half term you can do the follow things: 

– Use BugClub! Your password is inside your reading journal.

– Take a trip to the library and complete your reading challenge sheet.

– Read your guided reading book and phonics book.

– Don’t forget your homework. 

We hope you have an enjoyable week off school and come back ready to learn on Tuesday 1st November.

PSHE – Hand washing

This week 1S have been learning about the importance of hand washing. To demonstrate how germs can easily spread we rubbed glitter into our hands and touched objects around the classroom. To kill the germs on our hands we followed the simple steps below:

1. First, turn on the tap and wet your hands. 

2. Next, put soap on your hands and rub together with water making sure you rub between your fingers and under your nails.

3. Then, wash the soap off your hands with water. 

4. Finally, dry your hands.

Autumnal Art

1S has a fantastic time at forest school today. 

After learning about the changes that happen to trees and leaves at this time of year we used our Art skills to use wax crayons to create leaf rubbings to help us see the patterns on the leaves, we used paint to create leaf prints and created an animal collage.

Clay models 

1S have been busy this week doing their Art work.

After our visit to Twycross Zoo we used the animals we saw to help us create our favourite animals using clay. We looked at different ways to shape and Jon the clay.

Once the clay is dry we will paint our animals.