KS2 decorate a tree

This afternoon KS2 made decorations for the trees in the forest. They learnt how to use different knots for tying different things together. They really used their resilience learning power to persevere with the knot tying as it can be really difficult.


2N visit forest school

Today 2N came over to Calthorpe Haven as a whole class to complete some topic work. Their activity was to use a key to plot some map symbols on a map of the forest. They needed to use their persistence power and their relationship power to work in a small group and find the different areas of the forest. Well done 2N!



This week KS1 began to make their stick people. We chose a small thin stick and then used pipe cleaners to make legs. Once we had attached the legs we started to fill our stick with lots of different coloured leaves. We tried to choose as many different shapes and sizes as we could find. Next week we need to attach the arms and fill with more leaves and then we are ready to make the face!
