Stick people

Today key stage 1 made there own stick people inspired by the story ‘stick man’. They made up a story for their stick people, where all the stick people went to Prince Charming’s disco birthday party, at a magical castle, where they danced, talked and ate yummy party food. While a magical magician did magic tricks, juggled flaming hoops, and told funny jokes.


Dream Catchers!

KS1 had a lovely afternoon making dream catchers to brighten up our forest. They found a fork shaped stick, wrapped some wool through the middle and then decorated with natural materials and other bits and bobs found in the shed. They decided to hang the dream catchers above the Dino’s bed to catch any of his bad dreams. They used their relationship and resourcefulness power to work in pairs and choose the right materials.



This week KS2 were split into two teams and each team were given a photo of a part of a tree in the forest. Using their resilience and relationship powers they were challenged to identify the tree the photo was taken from.


Dino Nest

After watching Reception’s Dino Hunt video, KS1 decided that they wanted to make a bed for the Dino to sleep in for the night. By using sticks, twigs and leaves they made a beautiful nest. I wonder whether the Dino will come and take a nap?
