7 thoughts on “Group two create shelters and fires.

  1. Hi kuran and all of year 5, looks like you’re becoming experts at making shelters! Make sure you all have a good time and look after yourselves. We’re missing you lots Kuran, even Simba’s looking for you! The house is very quiet without you, can’t wait to see you.

  2. Great photos,your all doing fab work in the outdoors. Glad the weathers perked up for you.miss you Dylan,2 more get ups have fun 😀

  3. Amazing! Year 5 seem to be acquiring some formidable survival skills out there in the wilderness and are having a wonderful adventure.

    Rio, when you come home you’ll have to teach us all everything you have learnt on your Edgmond Hall trip so we can forage for our own food and ditch the supermarkets – just think of the money we’ll save : )

    Hope you are having a fantastic time Rio, can’t wait to hear all about it : )

    All my love xxx

  4. Hi kuran, sorry to disappoint you but united lost the second leg against Bayern Munich today. They lost 4-2, unlucky!

  5. Hi Dylan,
    Looks like you are having a great time. When you get back you can show me your new building skills Miss you. See you Friday. XX

  6. Hi Harpreet it looks like your having a blast out there with your peers. Not long for you to come home now. I can see you definitely improving your team building and communication skills with this task. Enjoy the rest of your adventure. When you come home you’ll have your birthday to look forward to. Love you so much.xx

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