We’ve arrived

Hi everyone. We arrived at approximately 10.30 and have just had lunch. Everyone is happy and cheerful!

Photos to follow!

20 thoughts on “We’ve arrived

  1. Hi everyone,

    good to hear you all arrived safe and sound. Hope it’s not raining as it is here. Look after yourselves and have a blast.
    Serena’s Mum.

  2. Hi Year 5, so happy to hear that you arrived safely. Don’t let the rain stop you from having fun! Looking forward to seeing photos of your adventures & reading blogs. Stay safe & enjoy, weather forecast is dry for rest of the week!
    Missing you already Ibraheem xx

  3. Hi Kuran, hope you’re ok and having fun. We’re glad to hear you got there safely, everyone’s missing you lots. Love you lots x
    I hope year 5 are enjoying themselves despite the bad weather!

  4. Hi everyone, glad to hear you got there safely. Hope you all are having a good time. Eliot my sunshine we are missing you a lot. Lots of love, Mummy x

  5. Missing u kaylan ….hope u all have a fab time !
    Hope u get to do lots of things …cant wait to hear about it ….also we cant see u in the pics!
    Love u lots xxx

  6. hi Dan how are u son?hope u are having fun ,we all missing u so much,luv mum,dad,granma AND LITTLE FAYZI LOL

  7. Hi everyone, so glad you have reached safely :), Ismail where missing you so much already especially Ahmed.Looking forward to seeing what you will be up to in the next few day HAVE FUN!!!

  8. Morning Serena,
    Hope you all have a fab time.Miss you so much.We are all looking forwards to the photos of your daily adventures! Have a wonderful time!!!
    Sending you lots of love & hugs xxx

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