Hi everyone

We’re at the end of a busy day, calculating team points and having hot chocolate and cookies before we go to bed.

We’ve been climbing mountains, building dens, starting fires, exploring the village, feeding the animals, experiencing the zip wire, playing football, playing in the mud, eating an indoor picnic and recording our experiences in our Edgmond Passports.

Everyone is happy, but tired.

We’re proud to be the teachers of your children as they are doing you all and our school proud!

The Bearwood Team!

Ps. All adults are blogging not just Mr M!

9 thoughts on “Hi everyone

  1. Glad to here every1 is doing so well and the kids
    Kids are having lots of fun exploring etc well done
    To all kids .

  2. Hi Callum,

    Soo happy to see your all having a fantastic time, glad the weather has picked up for you all, looking forward to seeing you, love mum x

  3. Good morning everyone, hi Venita I hope your looking after yourself I,m missing you lots cant wait to see you. xx

  4. Good morning to year 5, hope you have another fun packed day! We saw your fab pictures from yesterday, enjoy yourselves and stay safe. We are all missing you Kuran.xx

  5. Glad to hear everyone is enjoying themselves…the schedules sound hectic and fun. Kids look as if they are having a lot of fun. Take care of yourselves and each other!! XX

  6. Hey Alesha, hope you’re having a good time 😉 it looks like it! Carry on enjoying yourself
    From Reys x

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