Group 2 Wrekin walk

Group 2 went for a long walk this afternoon. We all enjoyed the challenge and loved the views!


4 thoughts on “Group 2 Wrekin walk

  1. Hey guys you all must be fast asleep after the adventurous day you’ve had today you must have been exhausted. Mr Murphy you’re doing an amazing job with the regular updates on the blog. Once again have fun and I’m missing you soooo much Harpreet. Jays very quiet without you, he’s missing his partner in crime his big sis.

  2. Hi Everyone, it looks like you all having good fun with all these adventurous daily activities. Big thank you to Mr Murphy for putting all on to this blog for all parents.
    Priya we missing you so much and you pet Tobby is looking everywhere for you – in your room and keep going sad not to see or play with you, i think tobby is missing you too. Have fun and do more activities. love you loads

  3. Hi everyone,
    I am sure you all had a very good sleep yesterday. Shiren u look exhausted. I am really proud of you dear.
    Thiren and Ruthi miss u a lot. They r waiting for you to come back.

    Love u

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