Bear Bookworms Project

On Friday our reading ambassadors were visited by Mrs Lowe from the Bear Bookshop to show them all about an exciting reading project called Bear Bookworms.  Reading ambassadors will now share the project with their classes so that we can get started doing even more reading and earning great prizes!!!

Reading Ambassadors class discussion notes

Hello Bearwood readers

This week your Reading Ambassadors want to hear you ideas for World Book Day.

What would you like to do to celebrate reading?.

Have a discussion and come up with your top three ideas as a class for your Reading Ambassadors to bring back to our next meeting.


Breaking News the Book Fair will be in school in March and everyone will have a £1 voucher towards the cost of a new book.

Reading Corner – Book Review











The Awesome Book of Space

By Adam Frost

This boko is about space and tells you a lot of facts and unknown titbits about space. This is perfect for the younger generation because it isn’t only facts, it has some pictures to visualise the size or weight an object.  How do you eat in Space? How do you communicate in space? You will find both of these and more in this book.  You will find out world records about space, how to survive in space and interesting things about what people did in space.

Genre: Non-fiction

Rating: 4/5

Age:  8+

By Filip Year 6










By Roald Dahl

This book is wonderful because it has lots of drama. It has lots of exciting new words that you can put into your own stories and a quiz to ask people who are interested. I recommend this book tremendously.

Genre: Fantasy adventure

Age: 6+

Rating: 5/5

Christina Year 5