Get Talking. Get Learning!

Literacy-This week you designed your own setting using Sumopaint.  This weekend think about your imaginary story.  How many settings will you need? Where will your main character live? How do they travel? Where will they visit?  You could use the Internet to find new settings.  Challenge yourself to draw and describe your own settings.  You could use Purple Mash, Sumopaint or draw them in your GTGL book. Remember to describe them in sentences too.


Phonics– Remember to read 10 minutes every day.  This weekend ask your family to challenge you to read and write all the red words.  How many do you know?  Use lots of different phonic books to really challenge yourself. 

Numeracy – Next week we are recapping the four operations.  We are going to be practising column addition, subtraction, the grid method and the chunking method.  This weekend challenge yourself to practise these methods.  Remember the more you practise the higher the challenge you can pick.  Ask your family to write you some questions like these:

234 + 569 =           382- 146=      15 x 18=         84 divided by 4=

Remember to use Mathletics to complete your homework.

Next week we are going to become ‘Amazing Artists’.  You are going to study some famous paintings to learn new techniques.  We are going to study Claude Monet and look at the technique pointillism. Be an Independent Enquirer and get researching. Learn about Pointillism and Claude Monet. 

Don’t forget to logon to Spellathon to make your own spelling Bee.  What will your pledge be?

This weekend get Blogging.  We would like everyone to write two amazing Blog Posts with different connectives and the correct punctuation.  We know you are using our Blog but we need to know what you want and what you like on the Blog.  Remember you are the Blog writers so if you want to write more get Blogging!

Bring in your GTGL books on Tuesday to share with us.  Get your bag packed this weekend.  You need PE kits, your library card and books, your blue reading journal and your real readers. 

If you are going to Edgmond Hall remember to keep bringing in some money as it is only 2 months away now!

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