Adaptation powerpoint
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Sana zara and sabina ocean power point, posted with vodpod
I love your presentation guys!
Really interesting information. Thank you. Could you make the time between slides a tiny bit longer as I found it a bit hard to keep up. The links to theother sites got me a bit muddled too! Sorry!
Im not sure if it was the zara, Sana and Sabina who put the time in or the website slideshare, Miss Skinneer.
I really liked Habitat 3 I come from Leamore primary my name is Tj H 🙂
I like all of your blogs I find them intresting
cool show on power point.
Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sara
I love it
do you likesea creatures
This vidio was grate because it gave lots of facts.
thank you for watching our power point
The Granny prix was fabulas
This powerpoint is great keep it up 😀