Year: 2015
Meet the councillors
Alexander and Luize-2S
Thushanika and Faysal-2G
Matan and Mercedez-3D
Kian and Alishba-3P
Leonard-Spencer and Maya-4W
Shazna and Abu-Bakr-4B
Abdul and Justyna-5B
Nelly and Janis – 5M
Oliver N and Ameera-6DD
India and Abdulaziz-6FD
School Councillors need to:
- Need to give their class a voice
- Have a class council meeting every fortnight.
- Listen carefully to others.
- Be open to new ideas.
- Be fair and represent everyone in their class.
- Work well with others.
- Be good at planning and organising events.
Notes from 16/11 meeting
Everyone except
At this meeting we decided:
1. The role of school councillor
2. The Y6 team took up their roles of responsibility.
Ameera- Chair Person
Abdulaziz- Vice Chair Person
India- secretary
Oliver N- Treasurer
3. Discussed what we would talk about to our classes about during a class council meeting.
– School events we could organise.
– Survey Feedback. Things we did like and things we didn’t. How we could improve our school.
Student Council 9/1/15
Welcome back and Happy New Year!
Some excellent 3P suggestions for interhouse competitions:
Handwriting, swimming, athletics, sport, listening, staring, cleaning, skipping, hide and seek, dancing, singing, quizzes, juggling, reading, poetry, who healthiest food, hopping, times tables, beat boxing and word searches.
Thank you for those 3P.
Healthy Eating suggestions from 6D:
To start selling fruit again and deveop and start Healthy Eating Passports.
Interhouse competitions ideas:
General knowledge competition, cookery, history, sport, music, art, design and music.
Suggestions for AR prizes:
pencils, pens, rubbers, smiley things and bouncy balls.
School council are very keen to start some interhouse competitions.
Meeting closed 2:50 p.m.