Meeting opened at 2:30
Neither Y2 had class council.
Neither Y3 had class council.
Neither Y4 had a class council.
4P absent.
Year 5 thought of some fruit we think we could sell at breaktimes:
. bananas
. mango
Year 5 also thought that we should have more lunchtime activities.
Educational apps:
. Quick math
. spanish for dummies
These are some of the afterschool clubs we would like to see
. boxercise
. martial arts
. art
School improvement:
.toilet passes
.finger scanners (dna finger samples of everyone to scan on a finger scanner to record who goes to the toilet.)
We also thought of new Accelerated Reading prizes:
. hot wheels cars
. pokemon cards
. electric rubbers
Book club themes for every week:
. mystery
. space
. comic
. fairytale
. spooky
Meeting closed at 2:50pm