The Witches

We have just finished reading The Witches by Roald Dhal and we would really recommend that you give it a read. It is an adventure story about a boy who’s parents have died and lives with his grandmother. The boy’s grandmother was ill and they needed stay in a hotel for a while. The other guests in the hotel are not all they seem to be. A brilliant story about magic, adventure and more. We would give it a rating of 10 out of 10. Beware! Some of the story can get a little scary!


Inkheart – Recommendation

I would recommend Inkheart to anyone who likes a thick book. Whilst reading Inkheart you will step into a world of fantasy and drama. I would definitely rate this book 5 stars out of 5 stars. You will be enhanced by the story almost as if you are part of it and will miss out if you do not read it. This book draws the reader in from the first word. You will LOVE it!! Read it now. You will feel as if you have experienced what has happened. You will cry, laugh and will feel shocked about the things that happen in this book. But one thing you won’t regret is reading this book.
Read the book to find out more. You will not regret your decision reading this book.