Woodland Games

 We were challenged to make our own woodland games. We made a variety of games such as Kim’s game, an obstacle course, bowls and noughts and crosses.  What do you think of our games?



Odd one out


Which one is the odd one out in each egg box?

The challenge was to collect five  similar things and a sixth object that is different and can’t be linked to the previous five items.  Then the rest of the group had to guess which item is the odd one out  and  give a reason for it.



Scavenger Hunt


This week Miss Thomas set us a challenging scavenger hunt list.  The list wasnt a list of objects. Its was a list of descriptions of  objects. For example, a glossy, dark, pointy,  green leaf.  This was an ivy leaf. This game was good because we had to think  and look carefully around the woodland.  I also learnt new objects such as a catkin.

The Dragon Game


Today we played the dragon game. In this game we have to make a dragon with our bodies and a  scarf  as the tail. The front of the opposing team has to catch the other team and pull their scarf out off to win.

1,2,3 Where are you?


‘1,2,3  Where are you?’ is a game that allows children to explore the woodland site safely. Children have to find a hiding place while another child looks for them. I think you chose some great hiding places.

Easter Crowns


We celebrated Easter by making crowns ands hats from a wonderful variety of fallen leaves, feathers and twigs. When the crowns and hats were completed we held an Easter parade.