Today we built on our skills from last week’s campfire and learnt how to cook food in the woodlands.
Today we built on our skills from last week’s campfire and learnt how to cook food in the woodlands.
The aim of this game is for one person to be blindfolded while your partner guides you around the woodland in an unrecongniseable pattern. The guide then takes the blindfolded person to a tree. The blindfolded person then touches, smells and listens to the tree in a bid to be to recongise it. The guide takes the blindfolded person back to their starting position and then the blindfolded person has to guess which tree they have been to.
This week we started to make dream catchers. Next week we will add some natural materials such as feathers, long grass, leaves or any other items that take our fancy.
We had fun increasing the insect population…..even though it was with mud!