“An Orange” by Miss Seery

Last year I started a short creative writing course. It was fantastic to explore how authors use writing as a creative tool, and also to try it our for myself. This piece of writing was taken from my very first lesson. The teacher placed an orange on the table in front of me. We had to write down words to describe what it looked like, smelt like, tasted like etc. We then had to use these words to do some creative writing all about an orange, but in the piece of writing we weren’t allowed to actually use the word “orange” in our writing. What a challenge!! This is what I wrote …..

I look at the small, round planet; sitting obscurely on the new table. It looks as lost to me as I feel. It’s small freckles cover it’s surface, dimples of it’s previous life. It’s small, green, circular stem sits grandly on top of it’s shell. The light of the room reflects on this small sphere, like the sun reflects on the earth’s surface. I place it between my hands and gently roll it between my fragile hands. The sound echoes for a very short period of time. A mili-second and it disappears; yet I still feel it between the plams of my hand, soft and cool. The skin of it is open; the planet is torn.

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