My email from Matthew. By Aaminah

Hi Aaminah it’s Matthew

I have to be honest with you; I’m going to tell you about my feelings at school. I’m being bullied and I need some advice. Every ones bullying me because I’m the tallest in the class, they always call me turnip because of my name Turner. I feel trapped like a caged animal. I’m lonely, abandoned all by myself.

I haven’t told anyone this but I started a fire in this place where the bullies took me. I’m so disappointed in myself, they just left me there. I felt scared when the ghostly flames surrounded me. How could they do this to me? I just wanted to have a friend in my own school, I feel so guilty for starting that fire even if I wanted a friend I still could have hurt myself.

I believe like I’m unwanted, broken. There’s nothing left of me, I’ve got nobody to talk to, I’m all alone in the dark.

I might not talk to you for a while

From Matthew

5 thoughts on “My email from Matthew. By Aaminah

  1. Aaminah that was a brilliant and amazing
    Letter that you wrote Can you tell me about the story too


  2. Aaminah that it so good! I love the sentence where you said I feel trapped like a caged animal. That is such a good sentence!!

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