
Today we have had another go at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 & 1000. We have used place value grids to help us.

Your homework this week will be about this too. Use the rule in the picture to help you.






Times tables

This week we are learning our times tables. Have a look at the videos at home. See if you can learn all the words. They will help you learn your times tables.

2 times table

3 times table

4 times table

6 times table

7 times table

8 times table

9 times table

Thimblemill library

Today we went to the library to choose new books. The children are looking forward to reading their new book.

Thank you to Elizabeth and Mohammad’s parents for coming with us.


Visit from the canal and river trust.

We had a visit from the canal and river trust. We learnt all about water safety, what to do in an emergency and how canals were made.

A big thank you to the volunteers who made it a great day.


Welcome to year 4

Mr Barton helped us get started with our new topic- splash. Mrs Stokes made a big splash which she really enjoyed!

Thank you Mr Barton