Goal Scorer

As I pushed open the creaky door, which was old, I peered in. Slowly, I started walking along the narrow path. There was complete silence. It seemed as if no one had been here before. The sun was tanning over my face as if it was on fire.Never had I experienced a place like this before.I could see colossal branches hanging over my head. I thought to my self that this was a staggering discovery, I felt jittery. I could see a glimmering unicorn carved from stone, which looked like the one on my badge. I felt sorrowful as I started to remember. I felt as if my whole life had changed inside a minute. I could hear the leaves rustling off their branches. I could smell the sweet, divine, smell of the white and bright, wild flowers.  Suddenly, I heard Mrs B called my name to come for dinner. I started heading out of the garden and shut the door behind me.

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