The Awesome Aztecs by Khuzaimah

who were the aztecs?
the aztecs were an indian tribe. They made the very first recipe of chocolate ,with out it we wouldn’t have chocolate,imagine that! The aztecs were around in 300 CE. Sadly they are dead now, r.i.p aztecs. They wandered around in the valleys of mexico.

When the Aztecs arrived in the Valley of Mexico, other tribes were already in residence. They had already taken the best land. The Aztecs had to make due with the swampy shores of Lake Texcoco.

But this did not bother the Aztecs. Not only were they very clever people, but they had every faith that their main god  had sent them to the swampy shores of Lake Texcoco, so obviously this place was perfect for them, clever people.

when were they alive?

they were alive in 3oo CE  and if you have  noticed i have said that in the first paragraph, oh well, just in case you forgot!

What were they famous for?

They were famous for most of all, creating chocolate. They were the first ever tribe to make and discover chocolate

Where did they come from?

They were a nomadic tribe, they were from northern mexico.


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