
This week in numeracy we have been doing the chunking method here are some steps.

1. What you do is find a question for example 173 divide by 5  also make sure the operation is divide.

2. Then you draw two lines one straight then one across.

3. After you write the smallest number by the straight line then you put the biggest number underneath the line across.

4. The only number you can times by 5 is the number whats smaller than the biggest number in the question.

5. After you done that you take the chunks out like this so you do 173-150=23 because you can do 30 times 5=150 then you can do 23-20=3 also because 4 times 5=20 after you can’t do know more because the only thing you can do is 1 times 5 but the answer is 5 so you can’t do it.

6. Usually the number end in zero but this time it hasn’t because the answer is a remainder.

7. Then you add all the chunks up together so you add 30 and 4 and the answer is 34 but you forgot about the 3 so the answer would be 34r3.

by Navandeep

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