Numeracy by Navdeep and Chetan

Today in numeracy we made a tally chart. There were 3 different challenges. 4P went to 4D and we asked how many hours do you spend watching films in month. I worked on challenge 3 the question was how many hours do you spend watching films in month? My total of people I asked was 31 people. The most was 15. In challenge 2 the question was how many films do you watch in a month? The most was 9. In challenge 1 there question was what is your favourite genre? The most was horror. Firstly we drew the tally chart. After that 4P went down to 4D and got their answers. Then when 4P got back into class we added our scores. Finally we did our reflective comment.

What tips would you give to someone if they were to create a tally chart?

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