
On Tuesday Mrs Ruston and Mrs Foster taught us how to save children or adults in water.

How would you rescue someone?

20 thoughts on “Swimming

  1. Swimming is the most best sport it is devastating that we are finishing swimming on tuesday. Last week was the best beacause we got 5 min of free choice although the time went quick!

  2. Swimming is the best sport that i have ever done in my whole entire life!!!!!!!!!!! I am really sad that we have finished with swimming. I wont be to sad because I am going to start going swimming lessons!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The good thing is that in todays class council meeting in 4D, the vote for extra swimming lessons has won out!!! 😀

  3. I love going swimming because the last two weeks we went there were awesome because you got to play with the sausages and balls ,I also love swimming because the teachers are really nice such as Mrs Ruston and Mrs Foster.

  4. I loved going swimming and on the last day we got to have a Playday,
    also we had balls and sausages!!
    It was really fun and exciting!!

  5. Swimming is a great hobby. Our favourite lesson was the last one. We got to have a play in the pool but only the small pool because some pupils are not ver confident. We wish we could carry on this great school activity however it can’t just be us all the time that would just be selfish.

  6. Swimming was the most exciting sport I ever did in my entire lifetime furthermore no-one can ever have a better sport wanted to do¬!

  7. I enjoyed Swimming on the last day because we could play and swim wherever we want also i think that the last day was the best day ever.

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