Letter from Francesca Simon!

Me and my buddy wrote a letter to Francesca Simon and then an excited thing happened; she replied back! We also got a post card and she said ‘To Henrik, thank you for the letter. My favorite character is Peter because nobody likes him, oh poor thing!’ Also she answered some of my other questions. She wrote down her new books that you can buy from the book store. Miss Mortimer showed them to 3K and the Year 4 teachers and they were amazed!

By Henrik.

A few weeks ago, me and my class wrote letters to our favourite author.  My favourite author was Francesca Simon because she wrote fabulous chapters full of comedy. I really love her books .If you want to hear some exciting news then keep reading this letter. The exciting news is that my author sent me a reply and it was a sheet giving all the answers to my questions. I was so amazed when I heard that my reply was from Francesca Simon. Miss Mortimer showed  3K then she showed Mrs Daniels, Miss Hadley, Miss Haywood and Miss Berrymen. All of the teachers were really shocked!

By Khuzaimah

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