Replies to Spudnik by Sian and Zuzanna

Dear Spudnik,

You asked about those black things which we call shadows. Shadows are caused by the sun, however if it is dark it is impossible to have one. Our shadows are black because the sun can’t go through our body so it causes a shadow. The more the sun is shining the bolder your shadow is. Shadows are also created by other kinds of light like bulbs, torches, fire and a couple more. To have a shadow you must come to earth because that is where the sun shines. Humans aren’t the only objects that have a shadow, animals, building and plants do too. A shadow is made by the light and something opaque blocking out the sun. Hope this will help you and your friends.

From Sian

P.S: If you have different sources of light it is easy to make a shadow.

Dear Spudnik

I am a human from earth and know so much about shadows, so I am about to tell you a lot about shadows. Shadows are made from a thing on earth called sunlight. Sunlight is light from the sun and our black things are called shadows. When it is day the sunlight shines on us and we block this thing called the sun and we create a shadow. When we move we make the shadow/ black thing move too. Also this thing can not be made in night or twilight outside because it’s too dark! In addition, all the things have shadows and if YOU come to earth YOU can have a shadow. Shadows can do lots of things; however there were things called sundials and sundials are made to tell you the time. In addition, if perhaps I was making a shadow and my hand was close to the light my shadow would be big and fuzzy. Furthermore, if my hand was close to my shadow and away from the light my shadow would be clear and small. My hand gets bigger when I grow and so does my shadow. In the evening my shadow gets bigger and in the morning it’s the same as the evening but in the noon it’s smaller because the sun is right over us!

From Zuzanna

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