2S Purple Mash

Have you been on purple mash recently? 

2S have been using purple mash to test their math skills.

George: “I like the fraction game because I can share a pizza into halves, thirds and quarters.”

Luize: “All the pieces of my fraction pizza have to be equal.” 

Practise your maths skills!

Here are some great websites to help you with your mental maths and a few other areas of maths too! These websites often use flash player so are better on laptops or computers.

Have fun!

Pick your level and pick addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Try to answer the questions correctly and quickly!


Read the number line and pick the right amount of tens and ones to save as many people as possible!


Tell the time!


Can you work out what’s symmetrical or not symmetrical ?


Get to know 2d and 3d shape names and what’s special about them (their properties)


Can you remember how many faces, edges and vertices each 3d shape has?


Happy Holidays!

Sport ReliefRun a Mile Challenge

On Friday 18th March, we had to run as many laps around the cones as possible to try and run at least a mile! It was a chilly challenge but we still managed to do our best! We did this to help raise money for the Sport Relief Charity which helps people who aren’t as lucky as us in this country and African countries. Well done everyone!Check out the website to find out what other people have been doing and how your money is helping.



2S Outdoor PE

 Today year 2S practiced their ball skills. They are now much more confident in throwing, catching, rolling, kicking and striking balls of different sizes.