
This week in Literacy the children have been writing riddles about nocturnal animals. Read the clues and see if you can work out which animal is being described.

I am furry, soft and sneaky.
I live in a den.
For my tea I eat hedgehogs, rabbits and rubbish from bins.
I prowl in the night to search for food.
Also I have a snout so I can smell 50 times better than people.
I talk to my friends by barking and making strange eerie sounds.
What am I?
By Jaya

I eat mice by swooping down and catching them with my sharp talons.
I’m a fluffy animal with chocolate coloured feathers.
My beak is as sharp as a hedgehog’s spikes.
I swiftly fly in the dark, dark night.
What am I?
By Weronika

Prowling cautiously I sneak up on my prey.
I am as orange as a tangerine and my tail is bushy.
Sometimes I eat juicy rabbits.
What am I?
By Leonard-Spencer

I have spikes that are as sharp as a bed of needles.
I have a snout that helps me to smell my food.
My face is as soft as a pillow but keep away from my spikes!
When I am scared I turn into a ball so that when animals try to eat me they get hurt.
I am as brown as a tree trunk.
What am I?
By Adam


This week we have been learning about owls. We have researched the life cycle of an owl and learnt some fascinating facts.

Did you know that an owl’s feathers are not waterproof so they cannot hunt in the rain? Dainus

Did you know that owls have one ear higher than the other? Jannah

Did you know that they have long legs and sharp claws to help them catch their prey? Priya

We also made owls using paper plates. We used our creativity power and selected the resources we needed. What do you think of our owls?


Fantastic Foxes

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To help us learn about fantastic foxes, Year 2 decided to make fox masks. we needed our persistence power and Numeracy skills to accurately measure out ears and teeth following the set of instructions. We then added scary eyes and turned ourselves into foxes so we could be……..

sneaky as a robber………Betty

orange as a pumpkin………Victoria

and finally have teeth as

sharp as a golden dagger…….Hasnain.

Let us know what you think of our masks!








Animal Discovery

Our topic this half term is ‘Animal Discovery’.

Year 2 went on an exciting adventure to the Night Time Zone to start our new topic and learn about some of the interesting animals that come out at night.

We have decided to learn about foxes, owls, hedgehogs and maybe even bats. Add your questions to the  blog and we will try to answer them in class….




Circuit crazy!!

In topic we learnt about Thomas Edison and how he was an American inventor who invented the modern day light bulb. As our science topic is electricity, we were challenged to make a light bulb light up.

We had to use our curiosity power and persistence because  we were shown the equipment- light bulbs and bulb holders, wires, batteries and battery holder but we had to work out what to do and how to do it.



Henry Ford the inventor

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Henry Ford was born on 30th July 1863 in Michigan, U.S.A. He worked with Thomas Edison in a factory but what he really wanted to invent cars. The first car he made was the Model T Ford in 1909 and it was the first car with a roof, steering wheel and proper brakes. We had a go at being inventors and we invented cars of the future. We hope you like them………



Florence the courageous nurse

imageIn class we have learnt about Florence Nightingale. She was a brave nurse who helped the wounded soldiers in the Crimean war  and walked around during the night holding a lamp. The hospitals were disgusting, foul and smelly because they were full of rats and diseases. We did some sketching of Florence and worked hard to use line and tone, we also did some acting.



Time Travel mystery……..

After lunch we came rushing into class and found lots of dust on the carpet. I followed the dust and sparkle dust and on the carpet was a strange, old suitcase. We didn’t know what was inside it so we used our curiosity power to open it and look inside.     Bilal

 Slowly and carefully we opened the case incase there was something scary inside. The dust made us cough. Inside we found some black and white photos, some massive, old circle shaped glasses, a birth certificate, some old 1 penny coins that were massive  and a letter.       Vithushana

After  we opened the suitcase I felt scared because I didn’t know what was inside or who it belonged to. We thought it might have been a ghost! The letter told us to find clues to learn about famous people from the past. We need to look for sparkles on the case to find the clues.    Betty


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Come Dine with Me…..the finale!

First we sent out invitations to our parents to ask them to come into school at 2.15pm so we could dine with them and share our work.          Alys

Next we did lots of cooking at school like making cakes and making lots and lots of delectable pizza. It looked and smelt yummy.                 Sienna


After we decorated the hall with the Italian paper chains we had made and all the flags. We had the lay the tables with the place mats we made and put out the plates, knives, forks, spoons and cups so it looked like a real restaurant. It was hard work but it looked fantastic.      Mia



I was so excited when my nan arrived. I got to share my work with her and do different activities like using maps and an atlas to find Italy and China, looking at our Chinese lanterns and dragon paintings and doing the chop stick challenge. We did an ABCD quiz and I got all the questions right because I used my connections to remember what I had learnt.                    Michael


At last, the part ALL of the children (and parents) had been waiting for…..THE FOOD!! Everyone was invited to ‘Come Dine’ in our stunning restaurant and it all went very quiet as everyone nibbled on delicious, mouth watering cakes and simply couldn’t believe how scrumptious our healthy, Italian pizza was! I was very proud of your hard work 2S.          Miss Steventon


Finally we got to do our dragon dance in front of the parents. We made 2 Chinese dragon heads in class using our creativity and sharing power and we moved in time to the music.  Sometimes the music was slow so we moved slowly and when the music was fast we moved quickly. It was fun.    Vicky


We had the best day ever and we want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the moms, dads, grandparents and family members who battled through the rain and wind to spend a lovely afternoon with us.

Please tell us what you enjoyed most during you ‘Come Dine with Me’ experience.