
This week in Literacy the children have been writing riddles about nocturnal animals. Read the clues and see if you can work out which animal is being described.

I am furry, soft and sneaky.
I live in a den.
For my tea I eat hedgehogs, rabbits and rubbish from bins.
I prowl in the night to search for food.
Also I have a snout so I can smell 50 times better than people.
I talk to my friends by barking and making strange eerie sounds.
What am I?
By Jaya

I eat mice by swooping down and catching them with my sharp talons.
I’m a fluffy animal with chocolate coloured feathers.
My beak is as sharp as a hedgehog’s spikes.
I swiftly fly in the dark, dark night.
What am I?
By Weronika

Prowling cautiously I sneak up on my prey.
I am as orange as a tangerine and my tail is bushy.
Sometimes I eat juicy rabbits.
What am I?
By Leonard-Spencer

I have spikes that are as sharp as a bed of needles.
I have a snout that helps me to smell my food.
My face is as soft as a pillow but keep away from my spikes!
When I am scared I turn into a ball so that when animals try to eat me they get hurt.
I am as brown as a tree trunk.
What am I?
By Adam

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