Year 2 Visit To The Mosque

This week children have been learning about the religion Islam.
We had an exciting visit to the Smethwick mosque  where we looked at the features of the mosque. We also looked at the importance of a mosque to the muslims and why they go there.
The children asked alot of interesting questions which were answered by the Imam Nasir.
The Imam demonstrated to the children how to perform the wudhoo (wash) before pray.

News Flash!



Today we created and recorded a new broadcast in small groups telling others about the ‘houses burning down on Pudding Lane.’

To help us we watched the news on This gave us some  top tips on how  to be great journalists.

We had two news presenters who asked ‘SUPER’ questions which started with: How? Why? and What?   We had two eye witnesses who were faced with real life scenarios.  The broadcasts were filmed and edited by specially trained cameramen.

Year 2 Science

[slideshow]Children made boats out of: paper,play dough,card,foil and wood to answer the hot question ” How many men can the boat save before it sinks?” Children recorded their findings on a planning board and checked these against their predictions.

Year 2 constructing 3D models of 17th century houses

[slideshow]It was great to be builders, to construct house models that we designed with our talk trios last week.The powers that we have used are: planning, sharing and persistence.We also used time connectives that we added to our working wall.
We had a job list:
1: Construct and join material to make large net (top of house).
2:Cut out net for the bottom part of the house and then join.
3:Cut and attach card to construct a roof.
See if you can make one at home by using the powers that we have used today. HAVE FUN!

The Great Fire Of London

All children participated in class drama to learn how and why the fire spread. Children stood in a circle and each be a “house”.Two red bean bags were passed around the circle very quickly to show how quickly it spread. Children were encouraged to use historical language. Children also acted out in groups to show how people ran to their boats to escape the fire and others acted out when the fire started in the bakery.

Carousel of activities about ants

[slideshow]Children were participating in different activities to see if they can persuade themselves to change their opinions on whether or not ants were useful insects.

They created a sand ant hill habitat.
They were finding interesting facts on large paper to add to working wall.
They made plastercine ants and discussed the features.

Plan, Do and Review 11.5.11 Inventors

[slideshow]Today the children have been working as Inventors, inventing something that Doctor Who can use.
They worked in four teams. They brainstormed and came up with different ideas. Two groups decided to make a Tardis, another group made masks and the last group made screwdriver blasters.
They had to work together planning and using different techniques.

2K Plan, Do, Review 27-04-11

Today we have been celebrating the Royal Wedding by making flags, crowns and decorating dresses and suits. Some of the children have made some bunting for outside the school. Also some children made a Royal wedding cake from boxes and tubes.
