Party, Party in 1n – 14.12.11

In 1n we have been celebrating. We used all of our party planning skills to have a surprise party. We got to make our own food such as pizzas with toppings of sweetcorn, pineapple and mushrooms. Then we got to make pin wheel sandwiches with either jam or cheese spread. Then we had a surprise party in the hall with dancing and party games. Then we got to eat our healthy food which we had made. We all had a good time, please take a look at our pictures.

Printing in 1N – 1.12.11

1N have been making wrapping paper using the printing technique. They were asked different questions eg, How is wrapping paper made? Where do we get wrapping paper from? The children used paint for the printing and made some lovely designs and patterns, please take a look at our pictures.

1P Inspire 24-11-11

Today lots of parents came to school to learn how to get on different computer programmes at home. Both the parents and the children enjoyed playing games on Purple Mash and improving their numeracy skills on Mathletics. Also, we had a look at our photos on the school Blog.

Topic/science in 1N – Lets Party – 23.11.11

Today in topic we have been exploring and experimenting with balloons to make a balloon model. Some of the children were making model balloons (swords/dogs/cats). Other children were exploring and playing with inflated balloons. Another group of children were inflating balloons with pumps and another group were making paper chain decorations. Please take a look at our pictures.

Let’s Party – 1N – 16.11.11

We had a great time in 1N continuing with our ‘Let’s Party Topic’. The children had an opportunity in topic to make decorations such as paper chains, buntins and hanging spiral decorations. They also had the opportunity to make party hats. Everyone had a good time please take a look at our pictures.

Sciene in 1N – Exploring Different Sounds – 14.11.11

Today 1N have been working over Calthorpe Haven exploring different sounds. Some children went on a sound walk using clipboards to draw what they could hear and discuss whether it was a quiet or loud noise. Another group were exploring sounds we can make using the natural materials in Calthorpe Haven. The last group were using instruments to make a noise. The children were working in small groups to experiment with hearing sounds using instruments and their voices. Please take a look at our pictures.